MapLink™ Procedures | Building Permits (No Board Review)

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Building Permits (No Board Review)
A. Purpose and applicability.
No person, firm or corporation shall commence the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, removal, improvement, demolition, conversion or change in the nature of the occupancy of any building or structure, or cause the same to be done, without first obtaining a separate building permit from the Building Department for each such building or structure; except that no building permit shall be required for the performance of ordinary repairs which are not structural in nature. Applications that involve exterior alterations or that require any additional approvals under the provisions of this chapter shall be referred to the appropriate decisionmaking body(ies) for approval prior to issuance.

B. Procedure.
(1) Step one: Application submittal. Applicable, with the following modification: Applications shall be made by the owner or lessee, or agent of either, or by the architect, engineer or builder employed in connection with the proposed work. Where such application is made by a person other than the owner, it shall be accompanied by an affidavit of the owner or applicant that the proposed work is authorized by the owner and that the applicant is authorized to make such application.

(2) Step two: Determination of application completeness. Applicable.
(3) Step three: Application referral, review and staff report. Applicable.
(4) Step four: Public notice. Not required.
(5) Step five: Public hearing. Not required.

(6) Step six: Decision and findings. Applicable, with the following additions: Upon approval of the application, both sets of plans and specifications shall be endorsed with the word "approved." One set of such approved plans and specifications shall be retained in the files of the Department of Buildings, and the other set shall be returned to the applicant, together with the building permit, and shall be kept at the building site open to inspection by the Building Inspector or his authorized representative at all reasonable times. The issuance of a building permit shall constitute authority to the applicant to proceed with the work in accordance with the applicable building laws, ordinances or regulations. All work shall conform to the approved application, plans and specifications, except that no building permit shall be valid insofar as it authorizes the performance of work or the use of materials which are not in accordance with the requirements of the applicable building regulations.

C. Criteria. No building permit shall be issued unless the proposed construction or use is in full conformity with all the provisions of this chapter, building codes and other applicable laws. If a building permit is denied, upon the request of the applicant, the Building Inspector shall state in writing the reasons for such denial and the section of the Zoning Chapter that would be violated. Any building permit issued in violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be null and void and of no effect, without the necessity for any proceedings for revocations or nullification thereof; and any work undertaken or use established pursuant to any such permit shall be unlawful.

D. Amendments. Amendments to the application or to the plans and specifications accompanying the same may be filed at any time prior to the completion of the work, subject to the approval of the Building Inspector.