MapLink™ Signs

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© Civic Webware
BANNER A piece of cloth or plastic or other flexible material mounted over sidewalks and a street, and attached to the sides of buildings and/or utility poles, bearing an advertisement, announcement, greeting or slogan. Banners are regulated by Chapter 299, Streets and Sidewalks, § 299-2 and require a permit from the Board of Trustees.
BILLBOARD A sign, including the type commonly known as a "billboard," which directs attention to a business, commodity, service, entertainment or attraction sold, offered or existing elsewhere than upon the same lot where such sign is displayed or only incidentally upon such lot.
BULLETIN BOARD An announcement sign of a civic, educational or religious institution which is specifically designed for the use of temporary replaceable copy.
INTERIOR SIGNS Any sign of any material painted on or placed or hung within 24 inches from the inside window glass or door glass of any building, including any neon, LCD, electronic and similar signs and light borders.
SANDWICH BOARD SIGNS An outdoor double-sided temporary sign type, generally in the shape of an isosceles triangle, with the angle at the apex being less than 60°. The dimensional measurements of such signs shall not exceed a total width of 24 inches, or a total height of 44 inches, including the supports thereof. The erection of such signs requires a variance issued by the Zoning Board of Appeals and evidence of insurance naming the Village as an additional named insured.
SIGN Any writing (including word, letter or numeral), pictorial representation, emblem (including symbol, logo or trademark), flag, pennant, insignia, border tubing, permanent sculptures, awning or other device of similar character which is attached to, painted on, or in any other manner represented on a building, structure or a building's window or door (inside or outside) and is used to identify, announce, direct, attract or advertise and is visible from outside the building.
SIGN AREA Includes all faces of a sign measured as follows:
A. When such sign is a plate or framed or outlined, all of the area of such plate or the area enclosed by such frame or outline shall be included.

B.When such sign consists only of letters, designs or figures engraved, painted, projected or in any manner affixed on a wall, the total area shall be considered to be that of the smallest regular geometric shape which encompasses all of the letters, designs, figures or symbols.
SIGN, DIRECTIONAL A sign necessary for proper traffic flow and safety.
SIGN, FLAG An advertising sign printed on a fabric flag of non-shiny material and flown from a pole that has a maximum length of six feet and is attached to a building at a minimum height of six feet if the flag is attached to a pole mounted to a building at an angle from horizontal of 45° or greater or 10 feet if the flag is attached to a pole mounted to a building at an angle from horizontal of less than 45°, where the flag has the maximum size of 15 square feet, and is no higher on the building than 12 feet, and is not closer than three feet to the curbline. The flag sign shall not have product advertising, but can have the name and/or logo of the business or advertise that the business is "open," "closed" or "sale." Only two faces are permitted. One flag sign is permitted for each public entrance of a building, with a maximum of one flag sign per business, and shall only be displayed when the business is open. This does not apply to any official national, state or international fla
SIGN, FLAT WALL A sign attached parallel to or flat to the face of or painted on the wall of any building or structure.
SIGN, FREESTANDING A sign placed upon or supported by the ground, independent of the principal building or structure.
© Civic Webware
SIGN, MARQUEESIGN, MARQUEE A sign for a theater or public building with a means for changing text.
© Civic Webware
SIGN, PERMANENT A sign constructed of durable materials and intended to exist for the duration of time that the use or occupant is located on the premises.
SIGN, PERMANENT INTERIOR Any sign of any material which is painted, placed or hung within 24 inches from the inside window glass or door glass of any building for more than 30 days and is visible from outside the building, including words, logos, product signs, border tubing, permanent sculptures or frames for replaceable copy and including all lighted devices such as neon, LED, electronic and light borders.
SIGN, PROJECTING WALL A sign erected perpendicular to the face or projecting outward from the wall of the building.
SIGN, TEMPORARY Interior signs of paper, cardboard and other similarly impermanent materials located within 24 inches of storefront glass windows and doors, including open, closed and sale signs, menus and lists of products and services. Other temporary signs also include contractor signs, real estate and rental signs and signs announcing the anticipated occupancy of a building as well as signs announcing campaigns, drives or events of civic, philanthropic or educational institutions.
Applicability. A sign permit is required for the erection, moving, enlargement, reconstruction or redesign of any exterior or window sign, except for the following:
(1) The changing of the advertising or message on an approved sign that is specifically designed for the use of temporary replaceable copy (i.e., a movie marquee or bulletin board).

(2) Painting, cleaning and other normal maintenance and repair of a sign or a sign structure, unless a structural change is made or there is a change in the graphic presentation on the face of a sign.

(3) Sign permit application, which requests simple or basic design changes to a legally existing sign, shall not be required to be reviewed and approved by the ARB, but shall be required to be submitted to the Village Building Department, and shall only be administratively reviewed by a Village Building Inspector. A simple or basic design change shall only include a proposed new sign that:

(i) is the same size, shape and dimension of, and in the same location as, the legally existing sign; and/or

(ii) only proposes a change to the name of the business as stated on the legally existing sign. Regardless of the foregoing, a Village Building Inspector, in his or her sole discretion, may determine that a sign permit application must be reviewed and approved by the ARB, which discretion shall be on the basis that the proposed change(s) to the design are not simple or basic, due to the changes not being in keeping with the purpose considerations set forth in § 360-5.13A.

Noncommercial copy.
Any sign authorized in this chapter is allowed to contain noncommercial copy in lieu of any other copy.

The following types of signs or artificial lighting are prohibited:
(1) Billboards.

(2) Flashing or animated neon, LED, electronic reader board or electronic graphics or other artificial light sign or device. Flashing signs, including any sign or device on which the artificial light is not maintained stationary and constant in intensity and color at all times when in use.

(3) Internally illuminated (including neon) signs located on the exterior of buildings, except in the CC and M zoning districts.

(4) Signs that compete for attention with or may be mistaken for a traffic signal.

(5) Outdoor signs made of impermanent materials, such as paper or cardboard.

(6) Sandwich board signs shall constitute prohibited signs; however, such signs shall be permitted in the DMU-1, DMU-2, RMU, OMU, CC, WF and M Districts upon the issuance of an administrative permit for same by the Building Inspector. The standards applicable for such permits shall be on file in the Building Department.

(7) Exterior signs that emit noise, sounds or smoke.
(1) A nonconforming permanent sign, except for a freestanding sign in place at the time of enactment of this chapter, must be removed within 24 months of the enactment of this chapter.

(2) All nonconforming temporary signs shall be removed by the effective date of this chapter.

(3) The maintenance of such nonconforming signs may be permitted, but any sign once removed for purposes other than maintenance shall be deemed permanently removed and may be replaced only in accordance with the provisions of this section.
The purpose of this section is to control outdoor and window signs of all types and in all zoning districts by regulating size, location, quantity, quality, content and design to:
(1) Enhance and protect the Village's physical appearance and environment, so as to protect the Village's scenic and natural beauty and to create an attractive economic, business and tourist climate;

(2) Encourage excellence in sign design and to provide uniform design standards;

(3) Reduce sign or advertising distractions and obstructions that may contribute to traffic accidents or driver confusion;

(4) Reduce hazards from signs on public rights-of-way;

(5) Increase the profitability of businesses in the Village of Nyack by encouraging residents and visitors to shop in the stores;

(6) Replace or remove nonconforming signs; and

(7) Promote the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Village of Nyack.