MapLink™ Procedures | Procedures for Review and Approval

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Procedures for Review and Approval
A. This article describes the procedures for review and approval of all applications for development activity in the Village, as well as outlines the responsibilities of the various decisionmaking bodies responsible for that review. Common procedures, which are applicable to all or most types of development applications, are in § 360-5.4: General development review procedures. Subsequent sections set forth additional provisions that are unique to each type of application, including staff and review board assignments, review standards, and other information.

B. Table 5-1 summarizes the review and decisionmaking responsibilities for the administration of the procedures described in this article. The table is a summary tool and does not describe all possible types of decisions made under this chapter. Other duties and responsibilities are described in this article.

C. The Building Inspector may also refer applications to other boards, commissions, government agencies and nongovernmental agencies not referenced in this chapter.